Damage Assessment for Cultural Heritage Sites of Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy Oblasts

Implementation period: October 2022 - March 2023.
Donor: World Monuments Fund
Budget: 65,000.40 USD
Performer: Heritage Emergency Response Initiative (HERI)
Administration: Tustan NGO

During October 2022 - March 2023, experts of the Heritage Rescue Emergency Initiative, HER examined more than a hundred war-damaged cultural monuments in Chernihiv, Sumy, and Kyiv regions. Based on the collected data, a heritage monitoring information system was created, which is constantly updated with new information.

Among the collected information are photographs of damage, documentation forms according to the ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) methodology, eyewitness accounts, aerial photography, 3D models of damaged objects created on the basis of the collected data. In total, during the course of the project, 32 damaged landmarks were documented in Chernihiv Oblast, 20 in Sumy Oblast, 45 verified and 9 documented in Kyiv Oblast. The information collected and prepared will help plan the restoration of buildings and will be useful to owners, balance-keepers, preservationists, architects, local authorities and the community.

Detailed documentation results are available to individuals and institutions involved in the restoration of monuments and have a justified professional need to use them. For a wider circle, the survey results of the expeditions are available on the platform www.heritage.in.ua.

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